

Posted by Will Wang on August 6, 2018
  • 动态sql:
  • 1.if
      <select id="findUsers1" parameterType="cn.flyingd.domain.User">
          select * from user where 1=1
          <if test="userName !=null ">
              and username = #{userName}
          <if test="userSex !=null ">
              and usersex = #{userSex}
  • 2.where
      <select id="findUsers1" parameterType="cn.flyingd.domain.User">
          select * from user 
              <if test="userName !=null ">
                  and username = #{userName}
              <if test="userSex !=null ">
                  and usersex = #{userSex}
  • 3.foreach
      <select id="findUsers1" parameterType="cn.flyingd.domain.QueryVo">
          select * from user 
              <foreach collection="ids" open="and id in (" close=")" sperator="," item="aaa" >
  • 4.sql片段
      <sql id="abc" >
          select * from user
      <select id="findUsers1" parameterType="cn.flyingd.domain.QueryVo">
           <include refid="abc" />
              <foreach collection="ids" open="and id in (" close=")" sperator="," item="aaa" >
  • 5.Mybatis,多对一,看成了一对一
          public class Account {
      		private User user1;  //持有引用
          public class User {
    • 映射文件IAccountDao.xml ```xml

    ``` select a.*, uid,u.address userAddress, userSex from account a left join user u on a.uid =

  • 6.一对多
          public class User {
      		private List<Account> accountList;
      	public class Account {
    • 映射文件IUserDao.xml ```xml

    ``` select u.*, aid,a.uid, from user u left join account a on = a.uid

  • 7.Mybatis,多对多,看成一对多
          public class User {
      		private List<Role> roleList;
          public class Role {
    • IUserDao.xml ```xml
    </resultMap> ``` select u.*, rid,r.role_name from user u left join user_role ur on ur.uid left join role r on ur.rid =